Data-Driven Success: Enhancing ROI in Digital Marketing

The financial landscape is evolving rapidly, and with it, the way banks and credit unions market themselves. Gone are the days of relying solely on traditional tactics like print ads, branch marketing, and annual surveys. Today, success hinges on embracing a data-driven and education-focused approach.

Knowledge is Power: Equipping Your Team for Today’s Customer & Member

Building a strong internal knowledge base is paramount for success in the new financial services marketing landscape. This means investing in your team’s education, to help them possess the skills and understanding required for:

  • Data literacy: Equipping your team to interpret and analyze data from various sources is crucial. This allows them to identify trends, tailor messaging, and measure campaign effectiveness.
  • Understanding customer/member journeys: Mapping the touchpoints and interactions customers have with your institution helps tailor marketing efforts to specific stages of the journey.
  • Embracing emerging technologies: Staying informed about new marketing tools and platforms empowers your team to leverage them effectively.

Data is the Currency: Unlocking Valuable Insights

Data is the lifeblood of modern marketing. By collecting and analyzing data across various platforms, including your website, mobile app, and social media, you can gain valuable insights into:

  • Customer/member behavior: Understanding their preferences, needs, and pain points allows for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized communication.
  • Campaign performance: Effectively measuring return on investment (ROI) for marketing efforts helps enhance campaigns and allocate budgets efficiently.
  • Emerging trends: Identifying shifts in customer/member behavior and market trends allows for proactive adjustments to marketing strategies.

A New Look at ROI: Measuring Success Beyond the Obvious

ROI in financial marketing goes beyond just direct sales figures. Consider these alternative metrics:

  • Brand awareness: Track increased brand mentions and website traffic to gauge campaign effectiveness.
  • Customer/member engagement: Monitor social media interactions, app downloads, and email open rates to understand engagement levels.
  • Customer/member satisfaction: Conduct transactional surveys and collect feedback to gauge customer/member sentiment and identify areas for improvement.

By investing in internal education, embracing data-driven strategies, and focusing on a comprehensive view of ROI, banks and credit unions can successfully navigate the changing marketing landscape. Remember, the most successful financial institutions are those that prioritize building strong relationships with their customers and members, and data-driven marketing is the key to achieving that goal.

Interested in learning more? Check out our Events page for a recording of a recent webinar on this very topic!:

From Views to Value: What Finance Should Know About Digital Marketing : 2024 : Events : CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen) (

  • Digital Growth Director
  • CLA- Clifton Larson Allen
  • Charlotte, NC
  • 704.816.8575

Tim has more than 20 years of experience in operations, IT, cybersecurity, and digital strategic planning, most recently serving as a CTO/COO for a community bank. With a focus on financial services clients, he works with banks and credit unions to recognize the importance of data and embracing digital solutions to improve organizational performance while meeting the preferences of customers and members alike.

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