Automation and Customizations

  • Intacct: Collections Platform Application

    Imagine you work in the collections department. Your daily collections activities involve calling and emailing customers about invoices that have become past due. Previously, you recorded all your notes on the Customer record in a custom tab with a notes section. If everyone in the department has access to this tab (and can modify it), not only does that mean notes can accidentally get deleted, but also after a year of using the system this section can easily get out of hand and disorganized. That’s where Intacct’s collections platform application comes to the rescue.

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  • Intacct Dimensional Relationships: Improving Efficiency while Ensuring Data Accuracy

    How can you take the odds of correctly and efficiently coding a transaction from 20% to 50%? This question brings to the surface the ever present battle between two opposing forces of data entry: the struggle between improving efficiency while also ensuring data accuracy. Today’s blog post will take you through exactly how you can better these odds by uniting these two opposing forces (without compromising either) with Intacct’s Dimensional Relationships.

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  • Working Smarter With Intacct Smart Event Emails

    Why work harder when you can work smarter (and more efficiently)? If I had to come up with a slogan for Intacct Smart Events that would be it. Smart Event Emails automate emails that would usually be created manually.

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  • Filtering Reports and Dashboards for Current User With Intacct

    Remember Intacct’s spring 2015 release? It gives you the option of filtering reports and dashboards for current users. In three quick steps you can create ten reports — now that’s efficiency!

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  • Data Validation With Intacct Smart Rules

    Data integrity is vital. If data is incorrect, you risk basing huge financial decisions on incorrect information. The problem with achieving data integrity is that there are often a variety of people entering data. Therefore, it’s hard to maintain the accuracy and consistency of the data. That’s when Intacct Smart Rules come in handy!

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