Sage Blog

Sage Blog

  • Adding Your Company Brand to Sage Intacct Email Templates

    From 2013 to 2015 Google and Facebook fell victim to a $100 million elaborate phishing scheme involving a fake company, fake emails, and fake invoices. This is just one of countless similar incidences in recent years. With the rise of phishing emails–3.4 billion sent each day–email recipients are becoming increasingly cautious about the emails they receive, and rightfully so. When sending customer invoices, the last thing you want is for a customer to suspect your email of phishing. Today, we’ll walk through how to apply HTML to Sage Intacct Email Templates to make your invoice emails look more professional and less “phishy”, removing any hurdles to prompt payment.

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  • Sage Intacct for Schools: Data-Driven Decisions with Dashboards

    It is the beginning of another week, and you don’t know how your team will possibly be able to support the financial needs of all your schools’ stakeholders. You wish you had more staff (not going to happen), and so you wonder what you can do? In this blog I will discuss how everyone from principals to budget managers to the business office can use self-service Sage Intacct dashboards to make data-driven decisions. Check out the link in this blog to register for our exclusive webinar on June 11th for the education sector, focusing on charter schools, independent schools, and higher education institutions.

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  • Sage Intacct R2 2020 Enhancements

    Sage Intacct’s New Bank Transaction Assistant File Import

    In our last post, you may recall we mentioned a new bank transaction assistant file import process released with the latest Sage Intacct R2 2024 product release on May 10th.  We mentioned this new process would create bank transactions just like the bank feed integration. Now that the new release is here with its additional supported file formats OFX, ASO, QIF, XLS, and XLSX, you may find that one of these formats allows you to export your bank file without having to manually manipulate it, making your bank reconciliation that much more efficient. Today, we’ll walk through how you can test the new import process in your sandbox company.

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  • Sage Intacct Bank Feeds: Matching Rules

    Sage Intacct now has multiple options to import bank transactions from your bank to Sage Intacct’s bank reconciliation: With each of these options, as bank transactions occur, they are directly fed into Sage Intacct’s Bank Transaction record list view. Once bank transactions are created, they can trigger several automations: Today, we’ll walk through the most […]

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  • Elegant Chart of Account Design Maintenance

    Structuring a chart of accounts is a delicate balancing act. Success is found at the intersection of satisfying varying financial and regulatory reporting audience requirements, while at the same time keeping the number of accounts as efficient as possible. When achieved, the result is an elegant chart of accounts. While planning for an elegant chart of accounts is one thing, as much as we would like to be able to account for every possible future circumstance, maintaining an elegant chart of accounts is a daily battle. Today we’ll examine how the new ability to update account numbers in Sage Intacct released in R4 2023 can be employed strategically to maintain your elegant chart of accounts long after implementation.

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  • A Software That Grows With Your Business

    Being at the forefront of a rapidly growing software company brings with it a unique blend of challenges and thrills. The satisfaction of witnessing your company’s products gain market traction, delighted customers, increased revenue, coupled with the responsibility of driving financial stewardship, creates an environment that is both exhilarating and demanding. From managing the intricacies […]

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  • Building Financial Reports in Sage Intacct

    Reports are only as relevant as the timeliness of their data. The longer a report takes to compile, the less relevant it becomes. Today, we’ll walk through the steps for building your Excel financial reporting workbook into Sage Intacct so that your reports can truly become real-time.  Step 1: Develop your mapping Export your Trial […]

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  • ChatGPT and Intacct Platform Triggers

    “Citizen developers” is a term often used today to describe individuals who leverage low or no-code options for customizing business applications without requiring IT involvement. AI, like ChatGPT, is actively aiding Citizen Developers by breaking down the barrier of entry to writing custom code. Today we’ll walk through how to pair ChatGPT with Intacct Platform Triggers. Then join us on October 31st for our complimentary webinar on Smart Events and Smart Rules.

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  • What’s New in Sage Intacct’s 2023 R2 and R3?

    Intacct’s Release 2 (R2) on May 12th, 2023, and Release 3 (R3) on August 18th, 2023, had quite a few highly anticipated features. Today’s blog post will delve into the details of a few notable features like: vendor approvals, budget insight on projects, and dunning notices in AR. Then join our complimentary webinar on Tuesday 9/26 for even more new release features.

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  • Sage Intacct Release 4 2020

    Interactive Visual Explorer Forecasts – Future Predictions SQL

    Accounting, historically, has focused on the past. Tracking revenue, expenses, statistical metrics, and the like through the most recently closed period and leveraging that data to make decisions and course correct when necessary. The goal, has been to make business processes as efficient (and accurate) as possible to supply decision makers with the closest to […]

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