Snow in April?

Today’s post will not have anything to do with taxes other than there is less than 4 days before this tax season is finally over.

Last Saturday I worked my normal 12 hour or so day (at least normal during tax season) and got to bed around 9 pm. At about midnight I woke up with what I would call a very bad case of food poisoning so I did not have a very enjoyable night, but when I finally woke up around 7 am, I found that we had about 4 inches of snow on the ground.

Through-out the day, it continued to snow off and on and we probably ended up with a total of 8 inches of snow of which almost all melted by the end of the day.

Monday we were wet but no snow. Monday evening we could see some snow coming in on Cahill Mountain which is to the East of us a bit and I figured we were low enough that there would be no snow. Well, when I woke up Tuesday morning there was a good 7-8 inches of snow in our yard.

I zipped through it on the way to work and noticed on the way into Dayton that the level dropped by about an inch every mile and by the time I got into town it was about gone.

No snow during the day in the office but as I went home to do more work around 4 pm, it started to snow again. I was up in my home office watching it come down and in the span of less than an hour we got at least four inches.

This morning when I left at about 4 am we still had a few inches on the ground and it is snowing again. I think in the last five days we have had at least 18 inches of total snowfall which is a lot for our area especially for April.

Again, nothing about taxes but I guess global warming is causing more snow.

Also, on a personal note, I will be traveling to Europe starting next Thursday and will be gone until May 8. I will not have a computer but will have my iPad and should be able to do some posts on my travels. I am traveling with my youngest son who I think has already been to over 40 countries. He is our world traveler. I will keep you posted.

For those of you prepping tax returns, enjoy your time off after Monday (I will be golfing on Tuesday assuming it does not snow again).

  • Principal
  • CliftonLarsonAllen
  • Walla Walla, Washington
  • 509-823-2920

Paul Neiffer is a certified public accountant and business advisor specializing in income taxation, accounting services, and succession planning for farmers and agribusiness processors. Paul is a principal with CliftonLarsonAllen in Walla Walla, Washington, as well as a regular speaker at national conferences and contributor at Raised on a farm in central Washington, he has been immersed in the ag industry his entire life, including the last 30 years professionally. Paul and his wife purchase an 180 acre ranch in 2016 and enjoy keeping it full of animals.


I also initially thought I had food poisoning a week ago Friday, but I’m pretty sure it was the norovirus which seems to be going around.
It was tough to lose those 24 hours of tax return work time.
Enjoy a well deserved break!

Paul – I had bad food poisoning episode myself two days ago – trying to figure out what it was from? Never been so sick. Did you know what caused yours?

We’ve had some snow showers here in Iowa mid April as well – didn’t last but not sure winter is over yet.

Enjoy and benefit from your postings and have ever since you started during my 51 years of tax law practice. Thanks.

Safe travels in Europe.
