HMDA Platform Beta Launch

On December 11, 2018, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP)launched a beta release of the platform financial institutions will utilize in2019 to report data collected pursuant to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) in 2018.  The HMDA platform is now available for financial institutions to utilize in a test environment to become familiar with the platform, and determine whether their sample Loan Application Register (LAR) data complies with the reporting requirements set forth in the Filing Instructions Guide for HMDA data collected in 2018.

 Financial institutions are able to use the beta version of the platform to create log-in credentials, upload sample 2018 HMDA data files, validate data submitted, receive a sample submission confirmation, and conclude the filing process. Additional functionality will be added to the system during the beta period.

All test data from the beta period will be removed from the system when the filing period opens in January 2019.

The BCFP’s announcement of the beta platform also includes the following instructions:

If an institution has a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), and that LEI is not currently recognized by the HMDA platform, use and submit this form to have the information added to the HMDA Platform.

Use this link to access the HMDA platform:

  • 781-402-6400

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