Freddie Mac Launches Loan Quality Advisor (LQA)
by: Anna DeSimone
In April 2013, Freddie Mac launced Loan Quality AdvisorSM (LQA) as part of its Greater Purchase Certainty initiative. LQA is a web-based risk and eligibility assessment tool that gives lenders an automated way to identify credit, data, and purchase eligibility issues before loans are delivered to Freddie Mac. By helping lenders spot and fix potential problems earlier in the loan manufacturing process, Loan Quality Advisor can make Freddie Mac’s purchase requirements more transparent and give lenders greater certainty in the loans they sell to Freddie Mac. Loan Quality Advisor also gives lenders Freddie Mac’s view of credit risk on mortgages that were not originated on Loan Prospector.
Freddie Mac’s Greater Purchase Certainty initiative to provide lenders with greater certainty and comprehensive support when they do business with Freddie Mac will provide them with more detailed information about Freddie Mac’s assessments of mortgage risk and purchase eligibility through new tools like Loan Quality Advisor, critical enhancements to Loan Prospector, as well as industry data standardization efforts such as the Uniform Mortgage Data Program.
- Identify and resolve potential loan manufacturing defects and trends earlier in the loan manufacturing process.
- Validate that manufactured loans are consistent with Freddie Mac policy.
- Make changes to comply with Freddie Mac purchase requirements before the loan closes.
- Determine whether correspondent lenders have manufactured a loan according to Freddie Mac purchase requirements.
- Gain an early view of loan delivery issues.
- Reduce the time it takes to fund at loan delivery.
Loan Prospector Data Compare – Provides a comparison view of current loan data submitted to LQA against loan data used in the last Loan Prospector submission. This is a complement to Loan Prospector, not a replacement.
Risk Assessment – For loans that were not originated using Loan Prospector, assesses the loan and provides a summary level indication of Freddie Mac’s view of credit risk and associated quality of the loan.
- Accepts a Uniform Loan Delivery Data (ULDD) file format.
- Leverages the same single-loan or multi-loan batch file upload approach for submissions as used in the selling system.
View both batch-level and loan- level results.
Sort batch results to easily identify critical issues based on red, yellow, and green indicators.
Export results to the desktop for further analysis.
Helps aggregators determine whether their correspondents have manufactured a loan according to Freddie Mac’s Guide requirements.
Allows an early view of loan delivery issues and reduces the time required to fund at loan delivery.
Enables monitoring of loan manufacturing defect trends and provides the ability to proactively resolve them.
Anna DeSimone founded Bankers Advisory in 1986 and is a nationally recognized authority in residential mortgage lending. She has received numerous industry awards and has authored more than 40 best practices guides and hundreds of articles.
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