Food Manufacturer Uses Digital Tools to Reduce Manual Processes

In business for more than 100 years, Catania Oils certainly knows a lot about running a successful company.

The company has automated and modern systems but was looking to do more with them so they called in CLA’s digital team.

“What we’re building with CLA in our digital platform is the ability to have all of our data real time to be able to see what we’re doing financially as things post that day, as opposed to seeing it two weeks after a month end,” Catania Oils CFO Mike Coutu says. “CLA has been fantastic in providing us expertise in the areas that I don’t have inherit knowledge on.”

Read more about the food oil producer’s digital transformation or watch for yourself in the video below.

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Jennifer Clement is an executive sales and marketing leader specializing in value creation for the C-suite. In her current role at CLA, Jennifer collaborates on strategy with executives of global manufacturing and distribution companies to accelerate results. Previously Jennifer served as a Global Business Acceleration Leader for Complete Manufacturing and Distribution (CMD). During her time with CMD, Jennifer lived and worked in Asia from 2015-2019. Prior to CMD, she spent 10 years in senior care technology. Jennifer started her career at Johnson Controls (JCI) and spent nine years in leadership roles; followed by five years at Rockwell Automation (ROK) leading c-suite strategy and marketing operations.

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