Have a Good Labor Day Weekend

For all of those farmers out there that are harvesting their crops, have a good Labor Day Weekend and as a farm kid, I thank you for all of your effort to feed this country and the world.  Some of my favorite memories is working with my father on the farm (even as young as 3 I can remember sleeping on the floor of the combine while my dad operated it).

All of your efforts are appreciated and even with the drought, you will keep the good work going.

Again, thank you.

I am headed over to Roche Harbor for my oldest son’s best friend from college wedding and expect to be stuck in line waiting for a ferry for three hours this afternoon.

I will have a new post on Tuesday and have a good Labor Day Weekend.

Paul Neiffer, CPA

  • Principal
  • CliftonLarsonAllen
  • Walla Walla, Washington
  • 509-823-2920

Paul Neiffer is a certified public accountant and business advisor specializing in income taxation, accounting services, and succession planning for farmers and agribusiness processors. Paul is a principal with CliftonLarsonAllen in Walla Walla, Washington, as well as a regular speaker at national conferences and contributor at agweb.com. Raised on a farm in central Washington, he has been immersed in the ag industry his entire life, including the last 30 years professionally. Paul and his wife purchase an 180 acre ranch in 2016 and enjoy keeping it full of animals.

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