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FBS Conference – Hedging Accounting and Taxation

I will be presenting at the FBS Systems Annual Conference in Moline, Illinois on Tuesday August 26, 2014.  This is a full day workshop in conjunction with Norm Brown (owner of FBS Systems) on hedging accounting and taxation based upon the standards issued by the Farm Financial Standards Council.

This workshop will review the standards, provide guidance on how the tax laws treat hedge gains and losses and then provide practical examples of using FBS software to incorporate the financial standards reporting.  I look forward to the conference and I hope the attendees do not get “hedging” fatigue.

On Monday, I will be in Wilmar, Minnesota giving a presentation on the new Farm Bill.  I think this is at least my 10 presentation on the farm bill this year and my slides are now up to 60.  There is more information being released by the FSA each week it seems and I need to update the slides accordingly.

Paul Neiffer, CPA