Intacct: Salesforce Max and Reseller Setup

Do you have a situation in which your customers purchase through a reseller? You likely need to bill the reseller but ship to the end customer (especially if tracking tax in Intacct). If you are using the Salesforce Max package to connect your Intacct and Salesforce companies here are two ways you can accomplish this set up.

The differentiation between which method you use is based on many things but two of the main differences are:

1.When you invoice the reseller do they:

A. Want a single invoice with the end customer/user listed out on lines within that invoice?

B. Want multiple invoices? Likely one per customer/user?

2. When you receive payment from the reseller does it:

A. Come in one lump sum paying for multiple customers all at once? Where you are searching for the reseller to apply payment to their account rather than the end customer?

B. Does it come by individual customer? Where you are searching by the end customer to apply apply payment?

If you answered A to both questions, you fall into the first category. The first method, is to set up a parent/child hierarchy within Intacct Customers and Salesforce Accounts. In this way, you can create the invoice at the reseller customer level, but tag the end customer on your line items (yes! Intacct allows that).

If you answered B to both questions, I bet you thought option A was your only choice. Well luckily enough you read the CLA Intacct Blog and also luckily enough I happen to excel in solving the unsolvable so today is your lucky day. The second way is a bit trickier but with my workaround you’ll be golden! Follow along for the step by step.

Step 1: A New Reseller Account is created in Salesforce:

  • Contains Bill To and Ship To addresses

Step 2: The Account is synced to an Intacct Customer:

  • Bill To and Ship To addresses are created

Step 3: Given that all Bill-To and Ship-To Addresses follow the same naming convention: B_CustomerID or S_CustomerID set up 2 formula fields on the Salesforce Account as:

  • Bill To Contact ID Formula: “B_”&IntacctID__c
  • Ship To Contact ID Formula: “S_”&IntacctID__c


Step 4: On the Opportunity Set a Formula Field to Look up B-To and S-To depending on the Partner Field:

  • IF( Reseller__r.Name == “Direct” , Account.Intacct_B_To__c , Reseller__r.Intacct_B_To__c)
  • The formula looks to the Reseller custom picklist field. If that field is “Direct”, then it uses the Bill To Contact on the Account. If the field is not equal to “Direct”, it uses the Reseller’s Bill To.



Finally, allow override of the Bill To and Ship To on the Sales Quote and set the Integration Field Map so that it pulls the Bill To from the Contact ID field on the Opportunity:



That’s it! With a bit of knowledge about Intacct’s Contact Creation naming convention, we’ve solved the Reseller quandary and ensured a clean and efficient process within Intacct which meets your business needs.

Do you have Intacct/Salesforce integration questions? Or just have a question you need an outside perspective on (preferably Intacct or Salesforce related but I also welcome the chance to help pick out your puppy) you can reach out here!

  • 571-227-9512

Kathy Jastrzebski is a manager with CLA’s Intacct team. CLA is an Intacct Premier Partner with a partnership that spans over 20 years and more than 1,000 successful implementations. Kathy brings five years of accounting experience along with seven years of Sage Intacct implementation experience. Along with her accounting experience, she has a passion for leveraging technology to lead finance teams worldwide through system implementations with a mission of increasing department efficiency through business process improvements.

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