Intacct Releases 2015: A Year in Review

A few times a year on a Friday night, while you’re sleeping (and hopefully not dreaming about accounting), Intacct issues a release to it’s cloud accounting software. What are Intacct releases? Releases include improvements and upgrades to your software that are immediately available to all companies. Not only does that mean your software is always up to date, but it also means no more timely and costly on premise upgrades to your accounting system!

So whether you’re an existing user and have been for years or brand new to Intacct, we’d like to take you through a look back at the improvements and new features released by Intacct throughout 2015. Some features you may have missed, others  you may have been waiting in anticipation and cheered when they finally made the release! So join us as we take you through a tour of the top enhancements released by Intacct in 2015!

Spring 2015:

  • Dimension group filter for current users If you create multiple reports for different project managers, department managers instead of having to create one report for each manager, you can now create the group and filter it for current user. When the manager looks at the report/dashboard they’ll only see the information they are the manager for.

Helpful Tip: Want to learn exactly how to set these up? Check out our easy step-by-step blog post!

  • New budget reports and drill down capability from reports– You may have noticed a new budget report available in the General Ledger menu. In addition to this, budgets included in a report now have drill down capability. You can drill all the way down to the edit budget screen from your report!

Go To: General Ledger > Budget (under the reports section of the menu)



  • Print and email directly from list view – You no longer have to go into a transaction to email or print it. Nor do you have to run the Print/Email Document Log. Easily click the Print/Email link from the list view takes you to a screen from where you can email or print the document.


  • Email delivery log – Did you know you can view invoices that have been emailed to Customers? Including the actual email body, recipients, senders, date sent, and attachments! If a customer comes to you claiming they never received an invoice it’s easy to view the log now within Intacct! You can even resend it from here!

Go To: Order Entry > View Email Delivery Log



  • Alternative chart of accounts – You can now take your entire chart of accounts and have them display in reports with different numbers and names (without affecting the COA you’re used to using in day to day operations). This feature is especially useful if you report to government bodies or other countries (for example if you need Cash to instead display as Gotówka on a financial statement provided to the Polish Government).

Note: Setting up reporting accounts, while not impossible on your own, does involve more than a few steps so it’s a good idea to reach out to a consultant to help you set them up. Not sure who to turn to? We’re happy to help, feel free to reach out to us!





  • Dimension relationships: cascading dependent picklists – When you select one dimension, wouldn’t it be nice if the next dimension was filtered for members that are related? For example, selecting Location 1 would display only Projects related to that Location. Now you can with dimension relationships with cascading dependent picklists.

Helpful Tip:Want to learn exactly how to set these up? Check out our easy step-by-step blog post!

Summer 2015:

  • Include attachments when emailing invoices Previously, we were able to attach documents to transactions, but didn’t have the ability to include these attachments when emailing invoices. (This was a drawback if you wanted to send, for example, a Bill of Lading or a Contract with the bill to your Customers). Now you can!

Go To: Order Entry > Print/Email > Edit the Email Template > Select the checkbox to include any document attachments in the email


  • Same day comparison reporting – This is especially useful for analyzing sales. You can now compare sales on a specific day (holiday for example) year over year. Or compare this Saturday versus last Saturday’s sales. Hello trend reports! I’m happy you’re here.

Go To: Reports > Edit your report (or create a new one) > Columns Tab > Reporting Period: Today > add a new column for each period you’d like a comparison for (x prior periods) > Save!



  • Order Entry / Purchasing transaction workflow organization – This has to be one of my favorite things to be released. Previously, transactions (steps) in your workflow were organized in the menu alphabetically (sometimes leading to a not so logically organized menu). Now, you can organize the way these transactions appear in the menu so that Sales Order is before the Sales Invoice (and all is right with the world).

Go To: Order Entry/Purchasing > Open Setup > Configure Order Entry/Purchasing > Documents Configuration


Fall 2015:

  • Print 3 checks per page – Don’t need to print check stubs? You can now print three checks per page.

Go To: Accounts Payable > Print > Checks > Switch “Checks per Page” from one to three


  • Pending bank reconciliations can be exported to CSV or Excel – This is extremely helpful for bank reconciliations! Bank Reconciliation filtering used to be somewhat limited. Now you can export to Excel and filter based on any field you’d like.

Go To: Cash Management > Open Setup > Checking Accounts > Click the Pending Reconciliation Link > Excel


  • Quantity based expense types – If you have expenses that you reimburse employees for based on a rate you have established (for example mileage expense), you can now set up expense types that require the employee entering their report to simply select the expense type, then fill out the quantity (miles) and Intacct will automatically calculate the amount based on the rate you established.

Go To: Time and Expense > Open Setup > + Expense Types


Hopefully you’ve learned something new that you may have missed this year. If there is anything we can do to help, feel free to reach out to us. We’re excited to be your Intacct partner! Here’s to an exciting 2016!

  • 571-227-9512

Kathy Jastrzebski is a manager with CLA’s Intacct team. CLA is an Intacct Premier Partner with a partnership that spans over 20 years and more than 1,000 successful implementations. Kathy brings five years of accounting experience along with seven years of Sage Intacct implementation experience. Along with her accounting experience, she has a passion for leveraging technology to lead finance teams worldwide through system implementations with a mission of increasing department efficiency through business process improvements.

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